If you are currently in crisis, please look into the following services who are available to help. Do not be ashamed or afraid to ask for support at this difficult time – we are all human and compassion is a basic human right.
Local services:
Make an appointment to see your GP
Call NHS 111 and press option 2 for the Cambridge & Peterborough Mental Health Crisis team
Attend A&E at Addenbrookes hospital
National services:
The Samaritans are available to talk on the telephone or text 24 hours a day – call 116 123 for free or go to https://www.samaritans.org/
Young adults can find support online 24 hours a day at:
Shout (for children, young people and adults)
Text Shout to 85258 (UK), 24 hours a day
More info: giveusashout.org
Or Childline (for children and young people only)
0800 1111 (UK), 24 hours a day
chat: chat online email www.childline.org.uk
Making a safety plan
If you are feeling suicidal, having suicidal thoughts or feeling very hopeless about the future, it helps to make a plan to keep yourself safe during this period. These thoughts and feelings are passing through and you will feel better soon. Meanwhile, make a safety plan online here.