Compassion in education
From teacher-student relationships, to whole school approaches to wellbeing, there is a place for compassion in schools.
Healthy schools: the key role of compassionate leadership
Schools are not just institutions of learning; they are the bedrock of a society’s future. Every day, educators across the globe shape young minds. Over the last thirty years, there has been a rise in outcome-focused, high-stakes educational systems across the world causing high levels of stress within individual institutions…
Building compassionate teacher-student relationships
Dr. Kate Brierton is an Independent Clinical Psychologist and school Governor. She recently joined us for a webinar, which looked at the difference strong compassionate relationships can make, and how different emotional states and attachment styles can affect relationship-building. In this article, she shares the qualities needed for building positive relationships, and you can catch up on a recording of the webinar.
Teenage student wellbeing
Younger people are especially vulnerable to issues with wellbeing during this current global pandemic. Kate Brierton, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, tells us more about teenage student wellbeing, and how teachers can help.
Cultivating teacher wellbeing – the benefits of curiosity and compassion
Christina Gkonou and Kate Brierton, co-authors of Cultivating Teacher Wellbeing tell us more about how curiosity and compassion can help us to understand our minds so we can take practical steps to achieving wellbeing.
Sowing the seeds of compassion in your school
Kate Brierton is an Independent Clinical Psychologist and school Governor. She joined us for a webinar which looked at a case study of how a compassion-focused approach to wellbeing was introduced into a UK school. In this article, she shares ideas for practicing compassion with your colleagues, and you can catch up on a recording of the webinar.
3 mindfulness tips for teachers
Kate Brierton is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Wellbeing & Special Educational Needs Governor at Impington Village College. She presents and blogs for Cambridge University Press on compassion and wellbeing in education. This time, she’s sharing her 3 mindfulness tips for teachers facing big changes in their everyday work lives.
Staying mentally healthy when working from home
Working from home is a big change. If you’ve never had to adjust your home to become a working environment before, the work/life balance can take time to get right. Kate Brierton, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, shares her tips for staying mentally healthy when working from home.